Madden 19 Tips for the Defensive Player

Jan “Neo” Braisler is one of Germany’s best Madden pros. At the end of January he won the Madden NFL German Masters. On he gives you tips in our multi-part series on how to take your Madden Game to the next level. In the first part, the professional writes about the fascination Madden and why you should rarely drive a D-Liner.

Madden and Football are very complex, so it’s very hard to pick general and generally valid tips from the potentially large heap of tips and strategies that are really helpful and important to you to improve your game. Even playing real in the field brings with it a huge advantage.

But this helped me to win such a tournament victory even after more than ten years without real extra training. I can imagine that later on the entry into this complex game can be very complex. But once you’ve gotten started and learned a lot about the sport and the game, your strategic fascination with Football and Madden will be enormous.

That’s why the defensive in Madden is so important

The defense in the final of the German Madden Masters was strong by both finalists and in the end one of the most important factors in the duels. Almost like in the Super Bowl this year. In the Defense in Madden, it has always been essential to manually control a player (users) with whom you can have the most influence on a move. Care should be taken to select a player on the field who will give you more influence over the game than the AI (CPU) can do. Simulation fans have always been a thorn in the side of the user, because the bird’s-eye view as you have them in the game has no player in the NFL.